Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Dinner at the Atlantis Hotel

Chris is off work Tuesday-Saturday this week for the Eid holiday. It is great to take advantages of days off for holidays that we don't celebrate! The holiday (and days off work are timed well with his family in town.

Tonight we took Vickie and Grandma to the Atlantis Hotel for dinner. What an adventure! With the holiday, traffic near the hotel was crazy! Instead of being able to pull directly into the hotel's main entrance and valet park we were directed to the back parking lot of the property...not convenient for a baby or grandma. We then had to take a shuttle to the back entrance and walk our way through the hotel to get to the restaurant. The hotel is very secure...in the sense that you are only allowed in certain parts of the hotel unless you are staying there overnight. We sweet talked our way past several security guards and used Savannah to get up an elevator. I think it was quite stressful for everyone but we finally made it to the restaurant and were able to enjoy a delicious meal. Grandma, Vickie, Savannah and I took a cab back to the apartment, while Chris made the trek back to the car. In Dubai style, our cab driver didn't know where our apartment was (even though it is less than five minutes away), drove like he was a Nascar driver and spoke very little understandable English.

But...the adventure wasn't over! As soon as we reached the apartment door the fire alarm went off in the building! I guess there is a first for everything. We quickly pushed the stroller into the apartment and made our way down three flights of stairs. Luckily it was a false alarm. (Top two pictures) Everyone ended the evening enjoying a well-deserved beer!

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