Wednesday, February 9, 2011

British Influence

In Dubai there seems to be a huge British influence. I am not sure if it is from the large number of expats from the European country or if it is from the two countries deep history. The United Arab Emirates and the United Kingdom continually renew their 1971 Treaty of Friendship.

On a day-to-day basis we notice the use of British vocabulary. A few examples of vocabulary used in and around Dubai are: lifts (elevators), take away (to-go or take out), prams (stroller), mobile (cell phone), chips (french fries), cinema (movie theater), crisps (potato chips), diversion (detour), dummy (pacifier), fly over (over pass), holiday (vacation), nappy (diaper), petrol (gasoline), queue (line).

Service also tends to be very slow, especially when dining out. It is customary to have to ask for the check or let the waiter know you are ready to order...but not because they are slacking...just seems to be the norm. Here meals out are definitely to be lingered over. The culture here is also much later. Dinners at eight or nine o'clock are normal and everyone seems to stay out later...whether it be dinner, shopping, etc....Even small children seem to have a later schedule than you would find in the US. Chris and I have found that we have started eating dinner later but who knows if that is us adapting to the culture, his work hours or a new baby!

Even though we have been here for just about 7 months there continue to be things for us to learn and get used to.

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