Monday, February 28, 2011

Odds and Ends

It has been brought to my attention that I haven't blogged in awhile! Everything is okay. We have all been a bit under the weather so there hasn't been much to report. Savannah had her first fever. There is nothing worse than your baby sick, except maybe being sick as you take care of a sick baby. Luckily, Chris and I were at our worst on different days so we could tag team the late nights. We are all glad to be back to normal!

A friend of ours went just got back from "holiday". He went to visit family in India as well as spent New Years in Bali. The picture is of a dress he brought back for Savannah from Bali. He also brought me a beautiful clutch from his hometown in India. It is made of handloom fabric and silk. The flap was handpainted by chitrakars (community of painters) using a very fine brush. Collecting unique treasures like this is going to be a fun part of our time abroad. Savannah also got a very cool hammock/swing that we just need to find a place to hang before she can use it.

The weather is started to warm up a bit. It has been in the mid 70's but in the last week or so it has been in the low 80's so I think March may begin our climb to unbearably hot! We have definitely enjoyed the winter months and have not missed the cold, ice, snow, bad roads and shoveling although we will be singing a different tune come July and August.

Savannah continues to attempt eating solids which is a slower process than I anticipated. She doesn't seem to like much. We have tried vegetables in the yellow family (carrots, sweet potatoes and butternut squash) without much luck. We are back to rice cereal for a few days. Hopefully she will get used to that and we can attempt the vegetables again! Yesterday I did get her to eat a whole bowl of rice cereal by distracting her with a skype phone call to my dad (the computer fascinates her) so it seemed to help!

Dubai is very baby and family friendly which has been wonderful, especially since we take Savannah everywhere but one thing I don't think I will get used to is the fascination people have with babies (or Savannah). Everyone is extremely nice but random strangers always ask to hold her or if they can take her picture! Little kids also come up and look over the edge of the stroller to see Savannah. This happens at restaurants, the mall, etc... Definitely things that would not happen back home. I am not sure if it is because she has fair skin (or because she is so darn cute :) ) either way I have become good at all of a sudden being in a hurry to get somewhere so we can avoid the pictures. American friends have told me that this happens to them when they travel to other countries in the region. One friend said that when they were visiting the pyramids in Egypt her son become the tourist attraction with his blond hair , blue eyes and very fair skin. Another thing to get used to!

Chris has been really busy at work, with lots of long hours to go with it. Savannah and I continue to go swimming in the pool and to playgroup. We also manage a few shopping trips and walks at the park. Last Friday ran with a running club. It was great to get out and have someone push me to run a little faster. Chris also got to play golf last all in all things are going well and we are keeping busy!

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