Monday, August 1, 2011

Ramadan Kareem

Today is the first day of Ramadan. This is the Islamic month of fasting in which Muslims refrain from eating and drinking during daylight hours. The fasting breaks after their last prayer at sundown. This month is intended to practice patience, spirituality, humility and submissiveness. Ramadan last 29-30 days and is based upon the Lunar Month and moon. The dates vary each year although the start of this holy month moves back about 11 days each year.

What does that mean for us? NonMuslims living or visiting Dubai are expected to be respectful of Ramadan which means no eating, drinking or chewing gum in public. You are also not supposed to listen to loud music and are encouraged to wear more conservative clothing (i.e. women should have their shoulders covered and avoid wearing anything to short). All of this just makes for a quieter city. Most restaurants are closed until sundown...this includes Starbucks. Many people also travel during this month so it seems much less populated when you are out and about. Most Muslims also work fewer hours during Ramadan but this doesn't really effect Chris, as he works in what is considered a "free zone".

Last year, we spent part of Ramadan in the hospital delivering Savannah so maybe we have forgotten but it is amazing how great a Starbucks sounds, when I know I can't get one at the mall!

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