Friday, January 20, 2012

Savannah is 17 Months

Savannah is 17 months old!

It seems like Savannah is adding to her vocabulary everyday! She consistently uses words like: mama, dada, nana, dog, cat, hot, ba (ball), ba (balloon), bear, water, up, out, off, no (actually no, no, no), yes, duck. She attempts to say much more but just can't quite form the words. She is quite the "copy-cater" though, so we have to be careful what we say. She understands things that she can't say. Yesterday I was talking about swimming in the pool to Chris, so she went and got her swimming suit and then had a melt down because we couldn't go to the pool. I also asked my mom if she would give her a bath and she went straight to the bathroom and attempted to take off her clothes. She definitely makes us laugh everyday!

Savannah also is making up her own baby sign language to go with the "more" and "all done" that we taught her. To say "please" she taps her chest. I don't know why or where she got this from but she does it everytime you ask her to say "please". At least she is getting it because she has started to do it without to work on the word "please". I have a hard time carrying her, with my shoulder, so I started having her take my hand and show me...she now does this with everything. If she wants something or wants you to do something and you don't understand her pointing she will take your hand and show you. She is also good at answering questions. If you ask her if she wants cheese she will shake her head yes or no.

She loves the ipad and is heaven because my mom also has one. You have to be very sneaky to use it in her presence without her climbing into your lap. She knows which apps are hers and how to use them. She also loves books...especially ones that have pop-ups or tabs to open.

She is still a picky eater and not a great sleeper but the days are so much fun!

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