Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Transportation and Communication in Beijing

Public transportation in Beijing is readily available. They have a subway and bus system, which we did not ever try as the hotel suggested that they are very crowded at all times of the day and that with Savannah we were better off sticking with taxis or drivers. You could also choose to use a rickshaw (on a motorcycle not a bike) but with the traffic and crazy driving I don't know who would ever ride in one of these!

We been in China for less than 24 hours and have already discovered that there is a huge language barrier. Within the hotel, most people speak English but outside of people in the service industry there is very little spoken English. Most taxi drivers know very little...which makes communication a little interesting. When traveling in China it is recommended that you travel with your hotel's business card. This way you can show the hotel name in Chinese characters to the driver. When leaving the hotel, the bellboy would always speak to the driver and translate to him where we wanted to go. We did notice that most road signs and store names with Beijing are in both Chinese and English but menus vary as does the quality of people's spoken English.

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