Friday, July 20, 2012

Shopping in the US!

There is a  common quote that is used in Dubai... "Anything is possible in Dubai". Anything you could ever want or dream of wanting is a price.

Shopping tends to be expensive in Dubai. Groceries are all imported in from all over the world so it adds up quick. Produce and meat in particular but also dry goods. (For example, I spent $14 on 4 lbs. of seedless grapes today and one- 8 oz bag of Pepperidge Farm Goldfish is $6.) It is also a very European way of shopping, so everything is smaller is size. There is no bulk-shopping at Costco or Sams. Even the grocery carts seem smaller. Many people shop multiple times throughout the week, instead of doing one big shopping. I think the idea is that they are buying fresher food but when it is all imported thousands of miles I think it is the same stuff on Sunday as it is on Wednesday! Things also tend to run out and when they are gone, they might be gone for awhile...for example we have been without Goldfish for a few weeks now and Savannah decided she likes "yellow" string cheese better than "white" string cheese which they have also been out of for a few weeks now.

I have been shopping several times since we have been in St. Louis and Florida and get sucked in every time. It makes me realize how much cheaper some things are and the convenience of being able to run up to the grocery store or Target and not have to go to the mall is so speedy! I do find that I have a hard time buying in bulk now though. It all seems like so much. (The last pack of toilet paper I bought in Dubai had four rolls in the pack...unlike the lifetime supply at Costco.) I also now have a new found interest in Target. We have a French version but it isn't the same. It is fine for some dry goods and the occasional produce but it doesn't carry the same home decor items or kids items. Also, in Dubai you have to go to a separate store for everything...there is very little one stop shopping.

We even made a list before I left of things to pick up while I was in the States because they will be significantly cheaper. For example, Chris needs new running shoes, I need a new pair of jeans, Savannah needs new shoes, etc... I am sure I will find a few other things not on the list a home in the suitcase!

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